Touch of consciousness
More about Touch of consciousness
Our whole daily life consists of touching and being touched, our eyes touch what we see and receive touch, our voice and breath touch others and we all are touched by the vibrations of sound all around us. Food touches and renews our energy, water touches, heat touches, cold touches. Thoughts touch: they affect your moods, your muscles, your nerves, your heart and these thoughts immediately affect and touch the people and things outside of us. Love touches, fear touches. Meditate over this.
Touch of consciousness is a very big subject and it’s very important. There are basically 3 major “qualities of touch”.
1 – Touch that is sending energy into the person being touched. This directing of energy or light can be either ‘random’ or ‘specific’. The idea is to help the area or point to become more loose, light, and conscious.
2- Magnetic touch that is drawing energy out of the person. It all depends on our inner intention which is behind our touch. Magnetic touch can also either be random or specific. The intention is to assist compressed, dense energy to expand outwards. (The more time you spend touching in a relaxed atmosphere, the easier it is to become conscious of your intention while you touch).
3 – Neutral touch. The touch of emptiness. Not giving, not receiving. Just being there as a passive witness, alert, observing whatever is happening.
Touch is needed in the world today, because love and awareness are disappearing. Touch is not only a technique to be learned. Once, the very touch of lovers was enough. A mother touched the child, played with his body, and it was massage. The husband played with the body of his woman, and it was massage. It was enough, more than enough. It was deep relaxation and part of love. By and by, we have forgotten where to touch, how to touch, how deep to touch. Human hand is a place where our inner love and consciousness meets and interacts with what is outside of us.