Emotional and Psychological Holding Patterns
Sometimes you might not even be aware that a particular emotional event has such a profound effect on you. If left unresolved or tucked away hidden under a stone in the back of your mind, the effects of these experiences continue to affect your mind and your body consciously, subconsciously, or unconsciously.

More about patterns

This creates what I call emotional holding patterns, or EHPs, where your mind and body remain affected and continue to respond to emotional experiences as if they were still occurring, even though they might have finished. I believe that when the emotions surrounding your experience are too large for your mind to cope with, or if the EHPs go on for too long, a part of your mind shuts down by going into depression in order to conserve energy for expected experiences.

All emotional experiences begin a physiological process in your body. For every act, emotion, and expression of love, self-love, self-forgiveness, and forgiveness toward another, your body reengages toward another physiological process, closer to its original process, its healthiest process. Different emotions result in different physical posturing, and our body language changes depending on the emotions we are experiencing. Identifying both the emotion as well as the posture is the key.

Since emotions cannot exist outside of the body, the only way to hold or express emotions, is through the body!

Emotional healing is an opportunity to awaken the healthier and happier self within you and interact with others and with the world in a more positive way that inevitably gives you more positive experiences. As you recover emotionally from past events, you will begin to feel more confident and open in your life.

MER treatment

You owe yourself this moment


The moment Milosh put his hands on my back, my body and mind surrendered immediately which is difficult as being in the same profession. I am rather critical. He just flowed with these techniques with the right pressure, just right places he could go into muscles, fascia, I came out with a new face after the session, total bliss as I still remember.


Anita Rawandale
Ayurvedic doctor
Sandy Thieme

I was lucky enough to have the oppotunity to receive MER treatment from Milos and I can say that he really is a very skilled, well educated bodyworker.
He knows what he is doing and he feels what is needed for the body to release tension and blocked energy.
As one of the few working with this deep tissue approach I highly recommend booking treatments with him!
His work is strong without being painful. He is carefull, concentrated and reads the signals of your body
wich was especially important for me to feel safe and relax.
Thank you Milos! I'm glad we met and I'm looking forward booking sessions with you in Germany soon.

Sandy Thieme
Anand Shakti

Milos is one of the most genuine and hard working gifted souls I have ever met.
His work is true, honest and Milos is full of knowledge and experience.
In my experience of meeting Milos and receiving his healing hands,
I would say you could not get a better therapist to help you work through any problems
that the body holds, he is honest and true and real gem, anyone that is lucky enough to receive his treatments is lucky!
Thank you so much Milos pure respect and gratitude to you, you are truly gifted.

Prem Anand Shakti
Judith Schöninger

I, fortunately, had the opportunity to receive an outstanding M.E.R. bodywork session with Milos on the occasion of the MER Advanced Training in Poland last year. Milos is an excellent Bodyworker and I very much enjoyed to receive this session from him and for sure I would recommend him to everyone and I personally looking forward to recieve another session from him sometime.

Judith Schöninger
Julia Indigo

Best massage ever! ❤️? Milos has offered me his healing hands and treatment. He relived my hips pain during the first session. I’ve never had a massage therapist listen to me more intently then he does. Milos has a powerful healer intuition, kind spirit and amazing anatomical skills. After the massage I was feeling that my body is full of energy, the energy was flowing in a such incredible way. I still have the feeling that something amazing happen in my body and energy field. I’m so grateful that I met and received a treatment from him. I highly recommend Milos massage to everyone. Amazing experience!!!

Julia Indigo
Yoga flow teacher London
Mauro Bortolotti

Sono andato a fare delle sedute di massoterapia da Milos per un problema alla schiena dovuto ad un allenamento forse un po' troppo intensivo.
Devo dire che Milos ha saputo capire a fondo il mio problema e fin da subito ho trovato giovamento al mio problema,
riuscendo a ritornare in poco tempo alla mia attività sportiva.
Grazie ancora a Milos per avermi aiutato

Mauro Bortolotti
Direttore dell’hotel Lac Salin
Toma Todorovic

Prvi put sam radio ovakvu masazu, pravu masazu za celo telo da kroz disanje lakse podnosis minimalan bol koji prija kada se masaza zavrsi.

Milos je takav profesionalac sto se tice svega, price, znanja, a o samoj masazi i znanju je neverovatan.

Otvorio mi je oci sto se tice masaza, da svaka masaza do sada na kojoj sam bio nije bila prava, da posle koje bih se osecao laksi i sveziji.

Kao sportista mnogo je bitan oporavak i nega svog tela, a Milos je pravi covek za to i jako sam mu zahvalan sto je uvideo moje probleme.

Toma Todorović
Član reprezentacije Srbije
Milena Markovic

Milosu bih se najiskrenije zahvalila na izuzetnoj profesionalnosti i na neverovatnoj energiji i iskustvu koje se oseca u radu sa njim !

Pomogao mi je da osvestim i otpustim stare programe i traume, i naucio me je vaznosti pravilnog disanja.

Sve pohvale za Milosa i njegov rad i predanost.

Milena Marković

Po preporuci drugarice dosla sam do Milosa, naravno pun pogodak! Mnogi kazu da masaza nije lek, ista moze pomoci da se bolovi neutralisu.
Cak i posle jednog tretmana telo je reagovalo pozitivno. Milos, veliki profesionalac,
covek koji ume da prepozna vas kao osobu i u razgovoru sa vama odredi pravilnu terapiju tj. vrstu masaze.
Sve pohvale i od srca preporucujem svima, i onima koji imaju neki problem i ljudima kojima treba opustanje.
Veliki profesionalac i covek! Hvala Milose!
