About Ayrveda
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word derived from the roots ayus (life) and veda (knowledge). Knowledge arranged systematically with logic becomes science, and over time, Ayurveda became the science of life. It is the natural healing system of India. According to Ayurveda health is “the harmonious balance of body, mind and environment”. The human body is composed of three fundamental elements called Dosha, Dhatus and Malas.
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There are three basic mind-body types:
Vata types (Winter types) tend to be thin, hypermetabolic, and think and move quickly. They typically have dry skin and cold hands and feet. They don’t like cold weather.
Pitta types (Summer types) are competitive, hot, and fiery with a medium frame. They prefer cool weather. They easily get sun burn, inflammatory diseases and skin rashes.
Kapha types (Spring types) are easy going and hypometabolic. They will hold on to more weight and water and tend to develop allergies and congestion. They can become lethargic, obese, and even depressed under certain conditions.